Introduction to Teaching at SIS

An Introduction to Teaching at SIS

Our Mission

Singapore International School is committed to provide comprehensive international education of the highest quality for Indian as well as international students Foster a spirit of international awareness and understanding throughout the community, encouraging mutual respect, sound values and proficient communication Recognize and nurture each child as a unique individual Promote the qualities of respect and tolerance along with environment and social awareness so that students ultimately become responsible citizens of the world

Our Teachers

In educational parameters where knowledge is the most important cornerstone, our beliefs, which are proven through research is that the quality of teaching is linked to student accomplishments. We proudly boast of our staff, who come from different corners of the globe and bring with them passion, professionalism, and a strong commitment to our mission. Their critical role in ensuring that every single student is included, challenged, and leaves SIS as a positive and successful role modelis a commitment we intend to accomplish.

The Faculty at SIS
The Faculty at SIS
Average student teacher ratio across the school
Average student teacher ratio across the school
Teachers with over 20 years of experience
Teachers with over 20 years of experience
Percentage of teachers holding a postgraduate degree
Percentage of teachers holding a postgraduate degree
Number of countries represented by the faculty
Number of countries represented by the faculty
Average annual faculty attrition rate
Average annual faculty attrition rate
The number of IB moderators and examiners
The number of IB moderators and examiners
The number of IB workshop leaders and authorisation members
The number of IB workshop leaders and authorisation members
Our Definition of Learning
An SIS teacher genuinely embraces and understands our mission and the three core principles of learning within the SIS curricular framework.
Conceptual Learning
Conceptual Learning
Here students connect new, potentially disruptive, knowledge to prior understanding and to important concepts. They are equipped to construct and re-construct theories, directing them to understand the way things work and why things are the way they are. Thus, by testing their evolving theories in different contexts, students are able to refine them as they now possess increased explanatory power and to see when, where and how they can be applied.
Competency Learning
Competency Learning
Here students deconstruct expert performance and compare it with their own. They are able to identify the adjustments they are required to make. Finally, enabling them to practice a skill in order to refine it and make it increasingly reflexive.
Character Learning
Here students consider what particular dispositions and values would ‘look like’ when applied in specific authentic contexts. Thus, acting as a result of these considerations and reflecting on the effects of these actions.
Our Teacher Profile
The best way for our students to develop these principles, is by our teachers being able to understand, being competent, and possessing such character traits.
SIS teachers understands that ...
  • Only when a child is provided with opportunities to produce their own theories and relate their learning to the outside world can we say that their conceptual understanding has developed.
  • No learning can take place if an individual student starting points, interests and learning profiles are not taken into account.
  • For students to be empowered to think, innovate, collaborate and evolve, a well-structured digital learning environment is a must.
An SIS teacher is able to ...
  • Create and deliver relevant and pertinen student-centred instructions and assessments.
  • Permit students collaborations to meliorate student outcomes.
  • Create decisive pertinent learning evidences, which are modelled for learning.
  • Passionate to teach and learn.
  • Dedicated to meet the learning needs of every student.
  • Aware and open towards various perspectives and their place within the classroom.
  • A growth mind set towards teaching and learning.
Current Position
1. PYP Hindi Teacher (with the ability to teach primary Marathi)
2. Middle School Mathematics ( Checkpoint IGCSE)
3. Middle School English
4. Middle School History
5. Middle School Global Perspectives
6. Secondary Economics (IBDP & IGCSE)
7. Secondary Business Management (IBDP & IGCSE)
8. Secondary Mathematics (IBDP & IGCSE)
9. Secondary English (IBDP & IGCSE)
10.College Counsellor
Non Teaching
1. Dorm Parent
2. Admin Secretary
Administrator Role
1. Head of Primary Division

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